Yu Cheng Yu
Videomaker from Taiwan
participant in
.CologneOFF IV – Here We Are!
4th edittion of Cologne Online Film Festival – LAB program series
[flvgallery video=”http://video.newmediaserver.org/coff/4/lab/yu2.flv” title=”View the video” thumbnail=”http://video.newmediaserver.org/coff/4/img/yu2.jpg” width=”640″ height=”480″]
Video Title:
The Following Soul
2007, 9:31
Human being’s psychology condition often locates in the “vague” life rhythm, the vague follows behide us like the shade spirital body. we actually all are druggy that taste many kind of desire medicine, finally hoped these medicines may finish the desire exhausted, finishes all vague.
2008, 4:32
Click the Button “Switch”, you will change your first life.
This video participates in
CologneOFF IV – Here We Are!
4th edittion of Cologne Online Film Festival 2008
OFF program
LAB program series