Darren Bolger
Irish videomaker
[flvgallery video=”http://video.newmediaserver.org/coff/4/lab/bolger.flv” title=”view video” thumbnail=”http://video.newmediaserver.org/coff/4/img/bolger.jpg” width=”480″ height=”360″]
Video title:
2007, 4:23
The short documentary ‘Benzodreams’ is a portrayal of one man’s ‘journey’ deep within a life of addiction to prescription drugs to his eventual liberation. Using a blend of striking visual and aural elements, together with a layered and ‘cut-up’ narrative, the work attempts to evoke for the viewer an external representation of an addict’s internal struggle.
This video participates in
CologneOFF IV – Here We Are!
4th edittion of Cologne Online Film Festival
LAB program series